The Indian Meena is a collectivity of innumerable clans and tribes who live without a common language, system of law and religion. The Meena are found in Rajasthan, Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and in the neighbouring countries of Pakistan and Bangladesh

Ancient People of India

Indian Meens were one of the earliest inhabitants to inhabit India. Historically they were nomadic people with no agriculture skills which led to a dependency on hunting for

Our Mission

India is a country with a rich history and culture. From the ancient times, the country has been a hub of many religions and languages. India was also home to many civilizations that flourished in different eras. However, most of the people living in India are not aware of this rich history and culture. The mission to educate Indians about their ancient ancestors is to create awareness among them about their heritage.

The website Ancient Indian History aims at educating Indians about their past by providing information on various aspects of Indian culture such as religion, language, architecture, mythology and more.

Ancestors ! Are Legendary Kriminal ?